
A man had a wife and a mistress and he didn’t know who to choose

A man had a wife and a mistress and he didn’t know who to choose. He decided to go see a wise man to find an answer to his problem.

He asked him if he had to be with his wife or mistress.

The wise, looked at him and took two pots in his hands: one with a rose and the other with a cactus and asked him: “What do you do if I tell you to choose one of these two pots?”.

The man looked at him and replied: “Obviously I choose the rose!”.

The wise smile: “You proved that you were reckless and rushed. You don’t deserve any of the two pots: neither the one containing the rose nor the one with a cactus.

Some men, driven by beauty and socializing, choose what seems to shine most. The Rose is beautiful but wither soon.

However, the cactus, even though it is not very beautiful at first sight, remains the same, whatever the climate: Dark Green with so many thorns but when bloom offers you a beautiful flower.